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Odd Sunday Dinners

Odd Sunday Dinners is a series of meals and engagements created by chef Sylvie Osborne Calierno  and two visual artists, Ann Schnake and Cassie Thornton.   At the start, Sylvie cooked at Chez Panisse during the week and embraced the realm of aesthetics and discourse with these meals; the visual artists delved further into the realm of food. The dinners continue sporadically, in different sites and forms. 


The first dinner on August 21, 2011 explored beginnings, and ritual, awakened by creative disruption.  Proceeds benefited a new socially engaged art project, Body Safe. Subsequent mealss engeaged with rising waters, and other significant topics.The meals were an outgrowth of a long history for Schnake of food and table as site for engagement, from meals for 200 in Richmond to food as sculptural work.


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